In The Midst Of It All...I write and use my gift!
June of 2004, God instilled in me new vehicle of inspiration, geared to reach to your soul and spirit. Driven from the gift Call Poetry.
Many times we go through our day without acknowledging our purpose, our salvation, or ourselves. Yet during the course of our work day, we are often reminded of our struggles, we live through our successes at the same time overcoming obstacles.
I.T.M.O.I.A (In The Midst Of It All) is written to open our eyes, our ears and our hearts, and our souls. Faith is believing without seeing, It's the knowing without hearing and it's the sensation we feel when we acknowledge the Higher Power. The same Higher Power for me is God.
I know He keeps us In The Midst Of It All
"I write to inspire, as I am inspired to write!"
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The Written Word
Poetry and writing is my freedom of expression. It is truly a gift given by God. God gave me the talent to write, the ability to inspire and the heart to do both continually.
I am a vessel that combines spirituality soulfulness. Enjoy my writings that teach, and reach geared to inspire and promote awareness to all things spiritual, soulful, anad sometimes social.

The Spoken Word
Hear the passion, hear the words, feel the emotions, Most importantly find out their stories!! Take a listen to the